网络安全网课代修 | Introduction to Information Security Syllabus


Course Description:

This course covers fundamental IT security topics, which include an introductory level of awareness,knowledge, and skill on the disciplines of technology, business, and laws to practice them to manage network and information incidents. The students will learn fundamental concepts and principles of computing and network security. The issues to be discussed are the security of LANs, WANs, databases, and network operating systems. Threats to IT infrastructure and persisting security flaws in the network infrastructure protocols; security of content in computer network services; risk assessment and security policies; and security in mobile communication networks are discussed. The course will include: network intrusion detection and forensics technologies, cryptographic and authentication systems, capability and access control mechanisms, as well as the trends and research in security policies and relevant technologies.

Course Objectives:

To give students awareness of the security risks and vulnerabilities in computing in general.

To introduce to learners contemporary and effective schemes to deal with information security threats, including the use of “best practices” security management.

To formulate and sustain an ideal atmosphere for academic dialogue, debate, and question-answer sessions among students intended to expand the understanding of the security of their computerized and networked environments.

To influence students’ responses by challenging them to explore the role ethical and moral deliberations play in the security laboratory environment.

Course Contents and Tentative Schedule:

Lecture Topics
Security Awareness, Combatting Fraud (5 Hours)
Security Standards (4 Hours)
Risk Management and Business Continuality (6 Hours)
Security Policy and Information Security Management (5 Hours)
Designing Information Security, Planning a Security Plan(4 Hours)
Network Security, Physical Security (6 Hours)
Personal Security, Incident Response (5 Hours)
Defining Security Metrics, Security Auditing (4 Hours)
Penetration Testing, Researches in Information Security (6 Hours)

Course Work:


Regular class attendance is mandatory. The presence of students is required since there will be an amount of class discussion. Therefore, the students must spend some quality time preparing for their next class.

Homework assignments



Paper-based final examination


S. Lincke, “Security Planning – An Applied Approach”, Springer International Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-16026-9 U. Hodeghatta, R Nayak , “The InfoSec Handbook, An Introduction to Information Security, Apress,Berkeley, CA, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4302-6383-8 (