商科网课代修 | INTG1-GC 4000 The Bussiness Plan Syllabus
Course Description
The Capstone is your final project, marking the culmination of your Master’s-degree program. Each student
enrolls in the Capstone course and begins by developing and evaluating concepts for an individual new
business that will use direct and interactive marketing to achieve its sales and marketing objectives.
Once your topic is approved by the instructor, you write a complete business plan for your company. It
consists of all the sections that go into an actual business plan. Beginning with business strategy to show
the scope of your concept and category research to show the financial potential, you move on to target-
audience analysis and competitive strategy.
Next, you will develop the marketing plan with brand positioning, customer-acquisition strategies and
tactics, and a customer-retention plan for Lifetime Value. Following that, you plan the media, selecting
from the full range of direct and interactive media, and then you develop sample advertisements in
traditional and interactive formats for your brand, as well as a database plan and a plan for operations and
customer service.
Your work includes financial projections for your company, from breakeven analysis to a full P&L (profit
and loss) analysis, a lifetime value analysis, and an operating budget. Each week, you share your work
with your classmates and the instructor in a collaborative workshop setting. At the end of the semester,
you present your business plan to your classmates and the instructor.
Course Prerequisite
Course Structure/Method
Our class will be held weekly online and will involve a variety of teaching methods, including class lectures,
discussions, group exercises, review of real world examples of successes and failures, videos, executive
style research memos, student participation, and finally, your final startup presentation to a group of
executive judges at the end of this class.
NYU Classes is the university primary learning management system. Students should check for real time
updates on assignments, the syllabus, posting of reading material, and finally, notices about upcoming classes.
Zoom will be used for online instruction and is the remote instruction platform used.
Course Learning Outcomes
Your primary learning outcome is to build a business pitch presentation that can:
1. Hold up to expert scrutiny.
2. Is persuasive to judges including responding to critical questions.
3. Reflects extensive market research as well as critical and creative thinking.
4. Shows strong intention of your goal to launch the startup to seek funding, and finally,
5. Have you provided compelling evidence of a true opportunity for an investor?
All students must complete all course assignments. You should come to each class session fully prepared,
having read the assigned readings and completed the assignment(s), and actively engage in class
All assignments must be uploaded to the folder on NYU classes labeled “Assignments.” Each assignment
sub-folder will include the detailed assignment description and grading criteria/rubric. The number of the
assignments and their due dates are on the course outline that follows. Assignment due dates are final
and non-negotiable. Late assignments are not accepted without prior written permission from the faculty
and cannot be granted more than once throughout the semester. Failure to submit assignments on time
will result in a grade reduction of 10 points.