CS网课代修 | ECSE 4540 Introduction to Image Processing Course Syllabus

本次CS网课代修为matlab/python 图像处理相关,以下为该门课程的syllabus

Course Description

An introduction to the field of image processing, covering both analytical and implementation aspects. Topics include the human visual system, cameras and
image formation, image sampling and quantization, spatial- and frequency-domain image enhancement, filter design, image restoration, image coding and compression, morphological image processing, color image processing, image segmentation, and image reconstruction. Real-world examples and assignments drawn from consumer digital imaging, security and surveillance, and medical image processing.

Course Text(s)

R. Gonzalez and R. Woods, Digital Image Processing, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2018. ISBN: 978-0133356724. This book is a good reference to own, but expensive. You can rent it for the semester from Amazon, or look for a used/paperback version. Be aware that the 4th edition (which came out a few years ago) is much more up-to-date and useful than the 3rd edition (and the 2nd edition is by now fairly out of date).

Online Resources

Due to its fully online nature, this course will use a variety of online resources to share and collect course content. These include:

 Webex Teams: we will hold lectures in the Webex Teams space for the class. I will also be monitoring the Teams space outside of class for fielding quick questions.

 Mediasite: the lectures will be recorded and posted on RPI’s Mediasite server at

 Youtube: A full set of video lectures from a previous offering of the course is available at http://tinyurl.com/RadkeIP. Each long video is annotated with a table of contents that makes it easy to jump to a specific topic within the lecture. You can use these videos to review concepts or learn about material not being discussed this semester. These will be similar to (but a little outdated compared to) the fresh Mediasite videos.

 Piazza: all the homeworks and class materials will be posted and linked here. This is also the preferred discussion forum for asynchronous chat and threads about specific homework or exam questions.

 Gradescope: all assignments will be submitted and graded here. Make sure you have a way to capture your handwritten solutions on a piece of paper to upload to Gradescope (the phone app makes this easy).

 Gather: The TA and I will hold office hours at

(password: processmyimage) which is a fun, videogame-like site that makes it easy to form subgroups, share google docs and whiteboards, and drop in and out of conversations.

Course Goals / Objectives

The main objective of this course is to expose you to the wide variety of analytical and algorithmic tools used to analyze digital images. Many of the tools we discuss are built into software like Instagram and Photoshop, and others form the basis for designing more advanced tools for computer vision: the automatic understanding of image content. This course provides the basis for further study in graduate-level image processing, pattern recognition, and computer vision courses.

Course Content

A tentative course outline and calendar are given below (although the topics covered may change slightly over the course of the semester, especially towards the end as we cover advanced topics). Note that we will not cover all of the topics in the same order as the textbook.

Student Learning Outcomes

1. An understanding of the basics of image formation and perception
2. An understanding of spatial- and frequency-domain image filtering techniques for common image processing tasks such as edge detection, blurring, and enhancement
3. An understanding of image transformations corresponding to desired geometric and photometric operations
4. An understanding of algorithms for image compression, restoration and reconstruction
5. An understanding of the building blocks of computer vision, such as line detection, image segmentation, and object recognition