数学网课代修 | CSC338H5S LEC9101 Numerical Methods Course Outline

本次网课代修主要为数学和计算机科学相关,以下为该门课程的Course Outline

Course Description

Computational methods for solving numerical problems in science, engineering and business. Linear and non-linear equations,approximation, optimization, interpolation, integration and differentiation. The aim is to give students a basic understanding of floating-point arithmetic and the implementation of algorithms used to solve numerical problems, as well as a familiarity with current numerical computing environments.Course concepts are crucial to a wide range of practical applications such as computational finance and portfolio management, graphics and special effects, data mining and machine learning, as well as robotics, bioinformatics, medical imaging and others. [24L, 12T]


CSC148H5 and (CSC290H5 or MAT202H5) and (MAT134H5 or MAT136H5 or MAT134Y5 or MAT135Y5 or MAT137Y5 or MAT157Y5 or MAT233H5) and (MAT223H5 or MAT240H5) and (CSC263H5 or 1.0 MAT credit at the 200+ level).

Exclusion: CSC336H1 or CSC350H5 or CSC350H1 or CSC351H1 or CSCC37H3 (SCI)

Distribution Requirement: SCI

Students who lack a pre/co-requisite can be removed at any time unless they have received an explicit waiver from the department.
The waiver form can be downloaded from here.

Textbooks and Other Materials

Michael Heath, “Scientific Computing: An Introductory Survey,” Second Edition, Mc-Graw Hill, 2002.

Assignments: There are three assignments consisting of both theoretical/math problems and a coding portion. All assignments are to be submitted on Markus by 10pm. The assignments must be completed independently. Each assignment is weighted equally.
Tutorial Activities: Each tutorial session will conclude with a short Quercus quiz (2-4 questions). We will allocate about ~10 minutes to complete this activity. Although these activities should be completed during the practical, to account for unforeseeable issues, their deadlines will be set to 10pm after each tutorial. The goal of these activities is to help you learn the material and connect with other classmates, so there will be an opportunity to discuss the activity with your practical groups during the tutorial.

You may also discuss activity solutions with other students. There are 11 of these activities in total. Your best 10 will be each worth 1%.

Midterm Quiz: The midterm will be a 45-minute quiz on Quercus, and will consist of a mix of multiple-choice, short-answer,math, and coding questions. You must write this test during the first hour of the lecture, or speak to the course coordinator in advance to schedule a different time (e.g. if you are in a different timezone or are unavailable during that time). You must be available by computer to write the test.

Final Exam: Students must earn 40% or above on the exam to pass the course; otherwise, the final course mark will be set no higher than 47%.

Floating Grade: There are two options for the weighting of the quizzes and final exam; we choose the one that gives you the highest grade:

1. the midterm quiz is worth 20% and the final exam is worth 30%;
2. the midterm quiz is worth 15% and the final exam is worth 35%.