CS网课代修 | CS 338: Computer Applications in Business: Databases Outline


General Description

A user-oriented approach to the management of large collections of data. Methods used for the
storage, selection and presentation of data. Common database management systems.

Learning Objectives

The main objective of this course is to introduce students to fundamentals and use of database
technology by studying databases from the viewpoint of a database user. It teaches the use of a
database management system (DBMS) by treating it as a black box, focusing only on its
functionality and its interfaces.

Recommended Textbook

The recommended textbook for the course is:
 Fundamentals of Database Systems (any edition is fine) by R. Elmasri and S. Navathe,
Pearson, 2011.
 It is beneficial to have a textbook as the textbook provides additional learning material and
practice questions. But if you don’t have access to the textbook, any database textbook will

Course Evaluation

Weighting Description Notes
20% Assignments There will be 4 of assignments
20% Midterm I Date: Online on June 15, open-book
20% Midterm II Date: Online on July 8, open-book
40% Final Exam
Date: TBA Place: Online
Type: open-book

If you miss a midterm due to acceptable reasons (see university guidelines), its percentage will be
added to the final exam. If you miss the final, you will need to take the exam in a future term
consistent with university policy.


There will be two lectures per week, one posted on Tuesday and one on Thursday.

Just like taking class on campus, it is recommended that you set aside 80 minutes on Tuesday and
Thursday every week, and listen to the lectures posted for that week.

Lectures will be delivered online via PowerPoint slides, and if necessary, videos as well. Note that
each slide contains not only bullet-points and diagrams, but also detail notes and voice-over with
comments, explanations and examples. When learning and studying the lectures, make sure you
are not only glancing through the bullet-points, but also reading the notes and listening to the


All exams are open book. However, for exams, you are NOT allowed to ask for help or collaborate
with others. Failure to do so will BE treated as academic misconduct and reported to the associate
dean of undergraduate study. When taking an exam, you will be asked to agree to uphold an
integrity statement. Failing to do so will be given a ZERO for the exam.

For each exam, you will be given a 24-hour window to take it. However, the exams are timed. This
means that you can start the exam any time within the window. But once started, you must
complete it with certain duration (2 hours for midterms and 3 hours for the final). More details will
be provided later.

Midterm I will cover relational algebra and Midterm II will cover SQL. The final is
comprehensive. More details will be provided later.