CS网课代修 | CP2406 Programming 3 Subject Outline

本次澳洲网课代修主要为java程序设计相关,以下为课程的Subject Outline

1 Subject at a glance

1.1      Student participation requirements

The JCU Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy (4.3) indicates that, “a 3 credit point subject will require a 130 hour work load of study-related participation including class attendance over the duration of the study period, irrespective of mode of delivery”.  This work load comprises timetabled hours and other attendance requirements, as well as personal study hours, including completion of online learning activities and assessment requirements.  Note that “attendance at specified classes will be a mandatory requirement for satisfactory completion of some subjects” (Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy, 5.10); and that additional hours may be required per week for those students in need of English language, numeracy or other learning support.

Key subject activities When Location
Watch weekly subject content videos and review weekly subject content Self-managed, prior to meeting teaching staff online
Attempt practical exercises Self-managed, prior to meeting teaching staff online
Attend weekly lecture activities, discuss subject content Mondays 5:30 – 7 pm

Week 1 – 10

LearnJCU Collaborate Lecture Sessions
Meet with teaching staff – discuss coding exercises Mondays 7 – 9 pm

Weeks 2-10

LearnJCU Collaborate Practical Sessions

For information regarding class registration, visit the Class Registration Schedule.


1.2      Key dates

Key dates Date
Census date See 2021 Study Period and Census Dates
Last date to withdraw without academic penalty See 2021 Study Period and Census Dates
Assessment task 1: Coding Assignment 1 [10%] End of Week 5
Assessment task 2: Coding Assignment 2[20%] End of Week 10
Assessment task 3: Practical Exercises [20%] Due Mondays during practical time
Assessment task 4: Final Exam [50%] During Examinations Period


2            Subject details

2.1      Subject description

Students will learn how to design, code, test, refactor and debug large and/or complex software programs from supplied specifications using a computer programming language and software development tools, to achieve a well-engineered result.

2.2      Subject learning outcomes

Students who successfully complete this subject will be able to:

·         Design and implement a large and/or complex software program from supplied specifications;
·         Learn a computer programming language and relevant software development environment to an advance level; and
·         Continue the development of problem-solving skills and approaches that effectively support programming.

These outcomes will contribute to your overall achievement of course learning outcomes. Your course learning outcomes can be located in the entry for your course in the electronic JCU Course and Subject Handbook 2020 (click on ‘Course Information’ bar/ select ‘Undergraduate Courses’ or ‘Postgraduate Courses’/ select relevant course/ scroll down to ‘Academic Requirements for Course Completion’, ‘Course learning outcomes’).

The course learning outcomes that this subject contributes to are:

  • Demonstrate essential knowledge for a career in technology related professions and practice
  • Apply technical skills, including numeracy, necessary for professional practice

2.3      Learning and teaching in this subject

This subject uses a combination of approaches to teaching and learning, including student-centred and teacher-directed approaches. The content of the subject is disseminated using a variety of teaching strategies including code demonstrations, FAQs and Q&A, coding screencasts and self-directed study.

At the beginning of each lecture, students will be made aware of the expected learning outcomes, how such outcomes are relevant to programming, and the resources that support the learning outcomes of this subject. Students’ learning experience is enhanced through experiential activities and active class participation.

Beyond the classroom, the learning experience will be greatly enhanced if you collaborate and share ideas with other students. One easy way to achieve this is to form a study group with 2-3 other students with similar needs and expectations. Your lecturer can assist with this.

In this current pandemic crisis, this subject runs in an online mode where all lectures and pracs are delivered online through LearnJCU Ultra Collaborate. Please check JCU Timetable 2020 for timetabled weekly lectures and pracs. Please also note that there will be no classes in Week 11, which is reserved for our IT design sprint.

LearnJCU subject sites for all related subjects (CP2406 Cairns Internal, CP2406 Townsville Internal, and CP2406 Townsville External) are merged into one LearnJCU site for effective delivery in SP2 2020.

2.4      Student feedback on subject and teaching

As part of our commitment at JCU to improving the quality of our courses and teaching, we regularly seek feedback on your learning experiences. Student feedback informs evaluation of subject and teaching strengths and areas that may need refinement or change. YourJCU Subject and Teaching Surveys provide a formal and confidential method for you to provide feedback about your subjects and the staff members teaching within them. These surveys are available to all students through LearnJCU. You will receive an email invitation when the survey opens. We value your feedback and ask that you provide constructive feedback about your learning experiences for each of your subjects, in accordance with responsibilities outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Refrain from providing personal feedback on topics that do not affect your learning experiences. Malicious comments about staff are deemed unacceptable by the University.

In response to previous student feedback and other data, the following enhancements to this subject have been made:

  • The new textbook offers students exercises with sample solutions that include detailed discussions – we believe that this will support students learning experience;
  • Reworked and improved the practical exercises – clarifying how they relate to subject content; and
  • Refocused the lecture activities to provide students better opportunities to understand subject content.

2.5      Subject resources and special requirements

All subject readings and resources, including journal articles, book chapters, websites, videos, print and eTextbooks, are available to view online from your Readings list via your LearnJCU subject site. Textbooks listed in your Readings list include links to Co-op Bookshop purchasing details and library holdings. The JCU Library has limited print copies of prescribed textbooks for two-day loans, and options for viewing available eTextbooks online.

Additionally, you can find the most appropriate library subject resources, including dedicated discipline libguides, relevant databases and access to library services and staff through the Your Library tool, in your LearnJCU subject site.

Prescribed Textbook: http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/ (free online)

Online and Electronic Resources

Students will require access to a copy of IntelliJ IDEA and the Java JDK (Version 14). Please note that JCU students can download the Professional edition for free by registering for it with their JCU email address.