CS网课代修 | Computer Science 326 Android Application Development

本次CS网课代修主要为Java安卓开发相关,以下为该门课程的Course Outline

Software Required: Android Studio 4.1

Course Description: This course will focus on application development on Android platform. Topics include
graphical user interface design, multi-touch screen features and orientations, applications
working with or without web server and databases. (3,2,0)

Prerequisite: COSC 213 and COSC 222.

 Students will involve in a few lab assignments and one individual course project during the semester.

 Late assignments will be accepted with late penalty. Each late assignment will receive a 5% deduction
per school day. No late assignments which are more than a week late, would receive a mark higher than
75% at the discretion of your professor.

 For the course project, students are expected to demonstrate:
i) their research abilities by exploring details of their research topics or programming projects;
ii) their presentation skills by presenting their research findings and/or program implementation
details to the class.

 Learning outcomes:
 install and set up the software required in Windows platform for Android application
 design Graphical User Interface for Android devices.
 apply mobile technologies like “Multi-Touch” and “Gesture” on Graphical User Interface.
 set up a web server to work with Android devices.
 create SQLite databases (on client side) and MySQL databases on a web server to work with
Android devices.
 create different types of Android mobile applications.


Android Application Development

 Application Development Environment
 Android SDK
 Android Studio (bundle package)

 Building Blocks for Android Applications
 Application Object
 User Interface
 Layouts
 Widgets

 AndroidManifest.xml
 Permissions
 Android Virtual Device (AVD)
 Activity and its Lifecycle
 Intents
 Views
 Preferences
 Options, Context and Popup Menus
 Lists and Adapters
 Broadcast Receivers
 Content Providers
 Services
 Fragments

 Other Android features
 Internal Storage
 External Storage
 SQLite database
 TelephonyManager
 WifiManager
 AlarmManager
 Text to Speech
 Google maps
 Gestures
 Muti-touches
 Drag and Drop
 Animation
 Audio and Video
 Notifications
 Sensors
 QRCode/Barcode
 Networking

 Working with Web Servers
 Tomcat server setup and configuration
 Servelets
 Apache server setup and configuration
 PHP scripts
 MySQL databases